My creative journey

Text that says Scroll down spinning in a circle
Text that says new projects spinning in a circle
Den Fynske Landsby AR-koncept til museet

DFL AR-concept

This concept was created for Den Fynske Landsby in Denmark. They approached us with a request to develop an interactive element that would enhance the visitor experience and boost both traffic and engagement at the museum. Our solution was designed to captivate and educate, ensuring that every visitor leaves with a deeper connection to the rich history and culture presented at Den Fynske Landsby.

Redesign af Aarup tennisklubs hjemmeside

UI & UX redesign

We found a client in need of a comprehensive update to their website, particularly focusing on the UI and UX experience. My team and I conducted extensive testing on their current site to identify and prioritize the critical issues. After developing a prototype, we performed additional tests to ensure we addressed all the problems effectively. Our efforts were successful, resulting in a significantly improved and seamless user experience.

Brand bog til urmærket REC Watches

REC Watches product book

This is a book I created for REC Watches. Inspired by their brand values and innovative concept, I wanted to craft a book that truly reflects their essence. I reached out to them with my proposal, and they enthusiastically gave me the green light to design and develop this product book. The result is a comprehensive and visually stunning representation of their brand, showcasing their unique story and exceptional products.

Your Daily Dose magasin

YWD Magazine

This fashion and culture magazine was a collaborative project between my friend and me. This design mockup represents our vision for what the magazine could and would look like if it were to go into production. Our goal was to make a significant impact in the world of magazine design, and we believe we achieved that with this mockup. It showcases our dedication to innovation and creativity in every detail.

Redesign af logo til Impuerto

Impuerto logo redesign

This logo is my redesign for a feminine fashion brand. The CEO entrusted me with the task of creating a logo that embodies elegance and sophistication. With a focus on appealing to their predominantly female customer base, I aimed to capture the brand’s essence and elevate its visual identity to resonate deeply with its audience.

Logo design til Velica

Velica Logo design

This logo was created for a new hair salon startup, where perfection and peace of mind are highly prioritized. I designed this logo with these priorities in mind, drawing inspiration from the Roman goddess of beauty, Venus. The logo features long, graceful hair adorned with a hair chain and a central scissor motif, reminding and showcasing to customers that it is a hair salon.